Old Town Antique Market joins with Vancouver art galleries and retail shops in participating in this First Friday Art Walk. We keep our doors open until 9pm to give visitors the opportunity to enjoy the culture and character in downtown Vancouver. If you haven't visited Downtown Vancouver in a while - this is a perfect way to reacquaint yourself with our revitalized core area.
-- Our next First Friday Event will be on --
-- June 6th, 2008 from 5 until 9 PM --
This happens on the first Friday of every month - Join our community's free, fun and culturally stimulating evening and take a walk through our revitalized Downtown - many of the businesses have wine and hors d'oeuvres, guided tours of Downtown Vancouver's history, antique and fine art galleries and public art installations. Guided tours at the Hilton Hotel- 301 W 6th St, Vancouver.
Old Town Antique Market Vancouver Washington is open until 9pm on the First Friday of each month for our monthly First Friday Art Walk.
Old Town Antique Market Vancouver Washington is open until 9pm on the First Friday of each month for our monthly First Friday Art Walk.